The Moose Lake Health Care Volunteer Service Organization (VSO) was initially established to support the “NEW” Mercy Hospital which opened in 1963 and was called Mercy Hospital Axillary. The Auxiliary provided volunteers and support for the hospital. When a care facility was added in 1964, the Organization also provided volunteers and support for the care center. The Organization raises funds for programs and equipment needs for both the hospital and the care facility.
To enhance the services given for the comfort, care and wellbeing of patients/care facility residents and related needs of their families, visitors and staff through volunteering and fund-raising support and to fund annual student scholarships in the healthcare field.
Meetings are generally held the first Monday of the following months at 3:30 pm at Essentia Health Moose Lake: February, April, June, August, September, and November.
Supporting Moose Lake Village and Essentia Health Moose Lake.
Opportunities at Moose Lake Village include working with residents as a bingo attendant, Nail care assistant, craft or baking group attendant, or providing assistant in the gardens, filling bird feeders, assisting with donations or help decorate. Contact Liz Mascarenas for more information: 218-351-9414,
Opportunities at Essentia Health Moose Lake Hospital include working at the Copper Leaf Gift Shop, filling bird feeders and assisting with the gardens. Contact Erica Busta for more information: 218-485-5891,
We would like to congratulate the winners in our raffle and thank everyone who supported us by purchasing tickets!!
2 nights at Hidden Haven Airbnb - Clara E.
Pizza oven and pizzas from Kettle River Pizza - Paige T.
Enamel Bread Box - Sheila F.
$25 gift certificate to Copper Leaf Gift Shop - Glenda L., Connie B., Annette A., and Shirley T.
Essentia Health Moose Lake in the Cafe
Join us for our monthly meeting, being held at the hospital. Not a member? Join us and learn what we are about!
Essentia Health Moose Lake in the Cafe
Essentia Health Moose Lake in the Cafe
Join us for our monthly meeting, being held at the hospital. Not a member? Join us and learn what we are about!
Essentia Health Moose Lake in the Cafe
Offering a wonderful selection of gifts as well as sundry items, the Copper Leaf Gift Shop is operated by the Moose Lake Healthcare VSO. Proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to support programs at Moose Lake Hospital and Moose Lake Village as well as student scholarships for staff area high school Students
The first meeting of the "Moose Lake Community District Hospital Auxiliary was held on Monday evening September 19, 1961 at the Moose Lake School. Mrs. John Hall was elected temporary chairman and Mrs. Paul Holm was elected Acting treasurer. Guests from the Aikin Hospital Auxiliary provided information on dues, fund raising and electing officers. It was suggested to have dues of $.50 and that regular meetings were necessary. A nominating committee was chosen.
The second meeting was held on September 26, 1961. Officers were elected: Mrs. Hamlin - President, Mrs. Lattu Jr. - 1st Vice President, Mrs. John Maki - 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Bauer - Treasurer, Mrs. Vivian Peterson - Recording Secretary (later replaced by Mrs. Ellen Reynolds), Mrs. Merlyn Knudson - Corresponding Secretary. Meetings were set for the fourth Monday of each month at 8pm. The location of the meeting would alternate between Moose Lake and Kettle River. It was decided to have a "clearing" project to be carried out to show the site of the new hospital. The date was set for Oct 7, 1961.
The first major fund raising event was a style show with a raffle for a painting and a bake sale. The event was held on April 6, 1962. Tickets were sold for $.50 for adults and $.35 for students.
Scholarships: The Axillary started giving out an annual scholarship for a local student pursuing a nursing career. The recipient was required to work for 1 year at Mercy hospital following graduation from nursing school. The first scholarship was given out in 1967! It was co-funded by the Axillary and the hospital board.
Candy Stripers honored at a tea held on
May 23, 1970